Its been a long and, bumby and exiciting ride with lots of different artists showing up over the years to participate, some for just one event, other repearing offen... visitors to the Caper

We've had years where few have participated, and others where the strips produced by the Caper where numbered in the 100+, but each year have been a joy to read... and thats me seeing it at the sideline as reader

Now we are lóoking forward to the 2017 edition of the Cameo Caper (even though some of the 2016 is still ongoing), and I thought I would get a head start on it by airing a request for help, preferely while as many of the participants in the Caper are still around.
You see, I have done some soul-searching and looked at the project from afar and made notice of a couple of things... namely that the news of the Caper, both the event itself, as well as the updated during its actual run, never really reach the general masses... be it artist or readers.
One of the reasons for this is that yours truly, the host for the Caper, simply suck at advertising... so many things could have been done to spread the words around, but my time in the daily is limited and I neve get around to do it properly... which is a great shame since the Caper deserves more highlighting in my opinion.
Which brings me to the second issue... my time IS limited

Lots have changed since the Caper went live the first time, and throughout the years my free time has been sorely limited, mostly due to work related issues, and I feel myself unable to give the Caper the attention it deserved, constantly running late with updated, descriptions, polls etc... not to mention the before mentioned subject of advertising

I love cameos, I love crossovers, and I would like to see the Caper go on strong, expanding and receiving the recognition it should be due.
... but I cannot do this alone, not how my free time forms itself at the moment and properly for the years to come...
This is why I send out this request for help... I need a help from a serious co-hoster for this none-profit fun-going Caper, one who will share the mantle with me in the years to come, one who has the time to reach out abroad and spread the news about the Caper, to be able to run polls, answer questions, make up descreptions of the various settings and, in the end, also be able to run updated on the Hubs... all on a time... or at least in a better time than I've sometimes been able to...
Do you know of such a person? One with an equal love for webcomics and crossovers, and has the time to spare... one who KNOWS (as I'm not in for doing an experiment just to end up with someone as bad as I) to help run the Capers in the years to come...
Let me know if you know of such a person... or IS that person, and we can talk it over, hopefully finding out something in time to start working on the 2017 Caper.
For the Caper must go on...
- Hogan