It was either the most subtle of the most obvious invitation, that probably depends on how you view it...
Suddenly a wellknown and by you welltravelled road, could be your hallway, the little backallety downtown, a small path deep in the woods, had suddenly turned into a shining road paved with golden bricks, a road seeming to go on forever, its surrounding countryside seeming to fade out until, in the distance, there was only the road...
The road was a lure, and a powerful one, as soon as you sat your foot on it you knew you had to see where it lead, and so you stepped onto the yellow brick road and followed its twists and turns, gradually leaving your own world behind you and after a merry travel you arrived at the doorstep to the glorious imperial Capital of the lands, the mighty imposing... Shelterville?
Hmm... there's something afoot here, and it ain't wearing ruby slippers! Better check this one out... also, because the road behind you seems to have... disappeared... sorry about that!
Who am I? ... well, please don't pay attention to the voice in the back of your consciousness...
Strap on your hats and Silver Shoes people, because this year's Caper will take you and your character to the world of Oz, the world that probably needs no other introduction and yet is still open to enterpration! But what's this? Where's the Imperial City of Oz, the Emerald City? And what's this shambling rural town of Shelterville that lies in its place?
This is what happens when votes are cast and the dice are counted as they fall!
Something has happened ("nice of you to notice Sherlock!") and the cause must be found somewhere in the lands of Oz, somewhere there's a powerful spellcaster behind this, one WHO stands to benefit from the disappearence of the Emerald City and the Chaos this rift will cause in the lands.
Your characters, now trapped in these lands, must find out what has happened and reverse the magic unless disaster befall both the Kingdom of Oz and the Town of Shelterville, you just don't make one city disappear and pull another out of a dimensional nexus without SOMETHING going wrong...
And yet, what's that occasional beneficial voice in the back of the consciousnes of your characters? Is it the one behind the magical yellow brick road that brought them here? What does IT want?
It's time to write another chapter in the annuals of Oz... it's time to sign up for the Halloween Cameo Caper 2016!
But... before you decide to throw your characters into the Caper and the mercy of other artists, do take a look at general rules and guidelines of the Halloween Caper itself as well as the setting of Oz/Shelterville itself so you'll have an idea of what you might be up to, as well as what its possible to get into.
As a general guideline (and warning), you can also go take a look at the Capers of the previous years:
Halloween Cameo Caper 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
If you, after having perused the above mentioned links and have cleared your brain of bleach, still feel up for the challenge, fun and mayhem that the Caper's usually stand for, then you should wait no longer and instead go and sign up for the Halloween Cameo Caper 2016 immediately!
Its easy to do so, you just go and make a new thread in this very forum, titling it with your comic’s name (or your own name if not representing a comic), in which you accept the above stated “invitation”, presenting yourself as well as the characters you will send for participation in the Caper, including references for the characters (links to cast page, strips, drawings etc.) so other artists will know how to draw them.
In this thread of yours, any and all questions people will have regarding you, your comic, as well as plans and ideas for the Caper you want to share will be hosted!
By signing up for the Caper, you also state that you, at least, at the date of Halloween (or the day closest to, taking updates schedules into accounting), will post a strip (canon, none-canon, filler etc.) on your own site (webcomic site, DA profile, homepage, Tumblr or similar) or here in the forum (or sending them to yours sincerely for posting directly on the Webcomic Hub), showing your characters and as many characters from other comics as possible, having fun and hopefully celebrating Halloween on Halloween's Eve!
However, nothing prevents you creating and/or taking part in the full storyline centered around the event, crossing over with other comics and co-writing storylines as you go… as a matter of facts, it’s recommended, but not a demand.
The important thing is that you DO come up with something. If you by some means get prevented from participating, please do tell so in the thread you originally made when signing up.
The deadline for signing up for participation in the Caper is set to 25th of September 2016!
Any questions about the rules (guidelinies) for participation are to go to this thread.
And as usual, if you can't or will not get to participate, you can always volunteer your characters as cameos in the Caper here. Though its not a guarentee they will be used you stand a chance to see them around the lands of Oz

See you at Shelterville!

- Hogan