Cameos Volunteering 2015

Now, strap on your party boots and bring a housewarming present! The 2015 Caper takes you to a party at Hey Fox!

Moderators: Hogan, GabrialFox

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Cameos Volunteering 2015

Post by Hogan »

Even if you are not going to actively participate in the Caper this year, there's no reason any characters of yours shouldn't have a chance of making an appearence in it!

If you already by now are 100% sure you will be unable to participate and dont have any qualms about your characters possibly showing up as background cameos, feel free to drop a note (post) in this thread, complete with associated links to your comic as well as specidic character-references, as well as a short reason as to why they might be found around the setting.

This will be considered a general permission to anyone participating to make use of your characters as they see fit! :twisted:

It's no guarentee you will be taken up on the permission, but in case any and all participants have a use for some people to show up in the background or interact with the main Caper-cast, they now have a pool to take some from! :cheers:

- Hogan
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Re: Cameos Volunteering 2015

Post by reinder »

As usual, any and all characters from Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan, Abúi's Travels or Spun Off (that I own - some of these have extensive cameos and crossovers in them) are cleared for cameos. Ask me for details on how to draw and write them.
Reinder Dijkhuis
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Re: Cameos Volunteering 2015

Post by GabrialFox »

Well... At this point I think we've determined that Abui's dealing with Fox and Friends on multiple time-lines... so I'm guessing theres' a non-zero chance of a pixi/fairy showing up wether or not it happens to be on Fox's own premises.
The grey fox from over at Hey Fox.
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Re: Cameos Volunteering 2015

Post by Zanreo »

I'll try this again this year (even though I still never finished up last year's comic - might finish it up at some point later)

Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft from Consolers (along with any other characters you want to draw, however I probably won't use those myself)
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