A few updates still needed

Artists unite! Join up for the great Western-themed Halloween Cameo Party of 2006 taking place in the town of Shelterville.

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A few updates still needed

Post by Keybounce »

On Oct 31st:
The hub has three different drunken scribblings images, but all link to the same comic.

KAMics: Tail end: I know that there was a return visit by the Valkyries to try up a time loop, but that return visit is not in the hub.
"So my Mom left me a huge heap of molding, rotten, decaying, puss-dripping zombies ... How cool is that?"

"So what is your advice to me?"
"Stop doing stupid crap."
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#1 CameoWhore
#1 CameoWhore
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Re: A few updates still needed

Post by KAMics »

That was actually something Ron did in Magical Misfits http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Magical ... s/4992032/

Although the time loop aspect only came into play since Ron had a sequel story to the Caper and he had Shelterville pulled into its own dimension or something and he had to explain away the ruins of Shelterville that I had already shown.

On the other hand I don't think Ron tried to explain Whisper Song's presence in my comic with Shelterville's ruins (admittedly she's very hard to spot.)
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