Webcomic News

For the general talk and chatter about news, events and ideas of the world of webcomics, stuff that is for everyone, and not just belong under a seperate forum.
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Webcomic News

Post by Hogan »

I can't believe we've never had an officialle thread where it was possible for any and all to make each other aware of anniversaries, contests, quest-requests and other miscalleneous news from the webcomic worlds, so lets consider this thread to be it! :mrgreen:

First items of interest:

Chasing the Sunset celebrates its 10th year (congratulations! :cheers: ) anniversary on Monday the 18th of February!

The anniversary will be celebrated with a number of contests, so stopping by and wishing for another 10 year might be double-rewarding (the first reward is paying respect to a great comic with a long run).
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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