Division/bell RSVP

Artists unite! Join up for the great Western-themed Halloween Cameo Party of 2006 taking place in the town of Shelterville.

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Post by feyd »

Just a note... life happened, had to take care of some not-so-nice things today. The comic for the 27th and the comic for the 28th should both go up sometime on the 28th.
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Post by feyd »

Hey, all. Just letting you know why I kind of dropped off the map here for the last few days. In addition to being sick in general and staying in bed much of the time, I've been having a recurrance of a problem which directly affects my ability to do the comics... arthiritis. It tends to come and go, but it's been acting up this past weekend and it's just now starting to go away. I'm going to try and finish as many of my strips as I can tonight and tomorrow, and depending upon how I work things out I might be able to pull off the 5 remaining strips by tomorrow night. If not, then I'll do what I can and finish the last of them in the next few days... I feel really bad about falling behind like this, but it literally couldn't be avoided.

And then people wonder why I say that bad things always happen to me in October... *laughs*
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Post by feyd »



There's 1 1/2 Division/bell strips left to do. I'm sorry that it's taken so long, but other things came up that had to take priority. It's been a really bad week... hopefully it's going to be getting better this weekend.

Anyway, the next strip will be the one that straightens out all of the "it's the trunk's fault" stuff... and will feature Kori of Darian's Friends. After that, Gray and Alex are leaving Shelterville, and the glimpse of the town in the present day will be shown.
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Post by Hogan »

Yeah! :D

This also shows there's some benefits from coming in late... you get a chance to make steady references to all the other plotlines of the Caper! :wink:
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Post by KAMics »

Nice Nikki cameo. :wink:

BTW you identify one of the characters as Toshubi, but it's actually Juamba from Blade Of Toshubi.
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Post by feyd »

Oops! Fixing it now.
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Post by feyd »

A note of somewhat importance...

Due to problems that I've been having recently, money has become exceedingly tight and I've fallen behind on my web hosting fees. Because of this, my site has been temporarily suspended until I can get everything caught up. This means that D/b is currently down, any pictures that I've posted here are offline, and I do not have access to my primary e-mail. I hope to have this corrected within a few days, but until that time there won't be anything I can do.

I'm sorry for any inconveninces this causes.
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Post by Hogan »

Bummer... :(

Anything we can do to help? Donations for example?
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Post by feyd »

Donations are always welcome, but for now the problem has been fixed. Some money was given to the girlfriend today from the girlfriend's parents, and a portion of it was used to get the site back online. I try not to ask for donations, because I always feel bad asking for money... unless I've done something that I feel is worth getting money for (which is why I do the whole "job" thing I guess... I seem to never have problems asking bankers and such for money once I finish a bunch of articles...) *laughs*
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Post by Hogan »

Hey Feyd!

Have you any idea for when the last parts of the Shelterville Sage in Division/bell comes up? :)
I will work on closing and putting up the site for 2006 for good before New Years eve, and if possible I would like to have the last strips included! :wink:
The site for the 2007 event will be put up immediately following!
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Post by feyd »

Sorry it's taken so long to respond, I just got back from a 2000+ mile round trip across 4 states last night and I'm trying to get everything sorted out from the time I've been gone. Basically all that's left for the D/b stuff is to get the rest of it scanned into PhotoShop and get everything colored... that's going to be my big project for tomorrow, so that I can still get this done in 2006.
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Post by feyd »

Ok, the final strip should be going up sometime tonight or tomorrow, depending upon whether or not I get dragged away for my birthday.
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Post by Hogan »

*arranges for the abduction of Feyd on his birthday*

Hey! Some things are more fun than doing a comic... we can wait a little longer! :wink:
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Post by feyd »

Oy, what a year it's been. After moving, having not enough work, having too much work, a few bouts of sickness, my girlfriend of almost 4 years graduating and moving back to her parents' house to find a teaching job, finding a new roommate, and having to deal with backstabbing "friends", a dead scanner, and more drama than you'd find on 3 soap operas, I am FINALLY back on the webcomics scene. I finished up the last few Shelterville strips from 2006 and have relaunched Division/bell with updates on Mondays and Thursdays. Though I've noticed that Gray has been doing a little moonlighting in the background of your crossover comic while I was gone... *laughs*

For anyone who was wondering how the D/b branch of 2006's Cameo Caper ended or who wants to see the aftermath that their stay in Shelterville had (the strip's currently 3 episodes into the next story arc), it can still be found at http://www.OminousCow.com (where my other comic experiment, Ominous Cow Theatre, will be restarting soon as well.)
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Post by KAMics »

Hopefully the next year goes better than the last one. Good luck!

Nice job.
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Post by Hogan »

Glad you could make it... even while your character were moonlightning elsewhere ;-)

Finally got back to properly adding the last division/bell strips to the Halloween 2006 Archive, thereby effectively closing that years caper!

Thanks everybody! 8)
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