Level: 4th level sorc/wiz spell
Range: 30 feet of ball's range and another 20 feet when turning into cone
Target: One creature and then cone
Damage: The ball deals 6d6 damage and cone 4d6
Casting time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: reflex DC 22 for 1/2 damage
Spell Resistance: Nope
Same mad gnome inventet this for stronger foes, so it has longer range improved damage and improved cone attack, still only deals half damage to a person in heavy armor. Creatures hit, or in the field with feathers, takes -4 on next attack roll
Razor Sharp Featherball
Level: 6th level sorc/wiz spell
Range: 40 foot of ball's range and yet 30 feet of cones reach
Target: One Creature and then cone
Damage: 6d8+5 with ball and 4d8+5 with cone
Casting time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 full rounds
Saving Throw: reflex DC 24 for half damage
Spell Resistance: Nope, doesnt work