Inviation & Guest List

Here we go again... prepare for adventures, chaos and dinosaurs, provided by the partakers who ventured to the Hillsfar Mountains

Moderator: Hogan

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Inviation & Guest List

Post by Hogan »


To whoever read this message, take it as a cry for help or a dire warning…

My name is Sir Richard Raleigh and, at the time of writing, last surviving member of the Stalwart expedition down to a man.

Seven in all we set out to seek the mysterious of the Hillsfar Mountains, guided by the map the addled gypsy sold me the night in the tavern. What we find were beyond the dreams of even the most timid explorer, a place unlike anything else, a place without time filled with wonders, mysteries and, as we found out all too late, dangers unnumbered…

Ever since we came to this place we’ve been hunted, stalked, picked off one by one by the denizens of the valley and world beyond the mountains and time, denizens that have not existed in ages as well as some who should never have existed at all!

We found out very early, to out fear, that though there are many routes to get to this place, some in ways I myself, a learned man, do not understand, there is no obvious way to leave. I’ve made copies of this letter while in the only safe haven this place offers, the city in the centre, and I will try to send them out of here by any means I can find, in the hope that some will reach civilization.

Don’t trust the passing of time, when you sit with this message in your hand I may have been dead for ages, or I may still be alive, but judging from this place and who is coming to seek me out, even here in the tower, I seriously doubt it… but I may still owe by prayers to the Gods for it to happen.

I don’t want any more deaths on my conscious, so heed this warning before you think about going to the Hillsfar Mountains!

- Sir Richard Raleigh


The cry for help has been issued, the warming has been given... which parts of it do you heed?
Do you want to risk life and health and follow in the footsteps of Sir Richar Raleigh, then take a look at the setting for the Hillsfar Mountains first!

When you have decided that this is something you dare put yourself and your characters through by taking part in the Halloween Cameo Caper 2011, then go sign up immediately!

In order to do so, you go and make a new thread in this very forum, titling it with your comic’s name (or your own name if not representing a comic), in which you accept the above stated “invitation”, presenting yourself as well as the characters you will send for participation in the Caper, including references for the characters (links to cast page, strips, drawings etc.) so other artists will know how to draw them.
In this thread any and all questions people will have regarding you, your comic, as well as plans and ideas for the Caper you want to share will be hosted!

By signing up for the Caper, you also state that you, at least, at the date of Halloween (or the day closest to, taking updates schedules into accounting), will post a strip (canon, none-canon, filler etc.) on your own site or here in the forum, showing your characters and as many characters from other comics as possible, having fun and celebrating the event taking place beyong the Hillsfar Mountains!
However, nothing prevents you creating whole storylines centred around the event, crossing over with other comics and co-writing storylines as you go… as a matter of facts, it’s recommended, but not a demand.
The important thing is that you DO come up with something. If you by some means get prevented from participating, please do tell so in the thread you originally made when signing up.

If you want an idea of what you are up to and whats possible, go take a look at the Capers of the previous years

Hallowen Cameo Caper 2006
Hallowen Cameo Caper 2007
Hallowen Cameo Caper 2008
Hallowen Cameo Caper 2009
Hallowen Cameo Caper 2010

Deadline for signing up for the Caper is set to 10th of September 2011!

Any questions about the rules for participation go to this thread!

See you at the Hillsfar Mountains!

- Hogan
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Re: Inviation & Guest List

Post by Hogan »

The Participants

As the responders to the warning/cry for help starts lining up, this is where they will all be gathered so any and all can get an full overview as well as fast links to the respective threads of the participants with additional information for the Caper.

Any questions or comments to the respective artists should not go here, but instead to the relevant thread for the respective comics...

The participants so far:

American Gothic - To be decided!

Dawn of a New Era V2 - Stefan, William & Queen Karen.

D.D.S.R - Cedrick, Fino and June.

Hey Fox! - Fox & Pixi

The KAMics - Gertrude, Brunhilda & Xelakrag

Legend of Setar - Trina Tsusiona

Life & Death - Sally & Wolf, Bobby, Lucy... and Chaos

P.S.I. - Enquire within!
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Re: Inviation & Guest List

Post by Hogan »

This is the 1 week wakeup call! 7 days left for submissions to the Caper! 8)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Re: Inviation & Guest List

Post by Hogan »

I hereby declare the given deadline for signings up to the project for reached, no more visitors to the Land Behind Hillsfar Mountains can be submitted! 8)

Gentlemen and ladies, for those of you who have not already started (eyes Aggie and Razor), it's time to start plotting! :twisted:

I'll send an email reminder out shortly to ensure than people remember having signed up for this, it would be too bad for them if they have forgotten ;-)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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