The "Who's Who?" should be a separate additon to each part of the war, giving a short desription of the characters (as well as avatars and authors) taking part in said storyline, a little of their history, their comic etc., enough to make a new reader understand the storline without plowing through all the comics which lend the characters back then...
At the moment I am working on fixing the layout for the part of the Squirrel Wars and the Adult Wars, again in order to make the reading of the separate plotlines easier, and since those two fucntions as the template for rest of the plotlines of the Wars, these are the ones we, for now, will concentrate on with the trials of a who's who... if anyone want to chime in

... suggestions for changes to the pages in the Hub itself go here
I am myself pretty much too swamped to do anything of this myself, but if people here in this thread would whip up a fitting suggestion for the various who's who, I will add it to the Hub