let me start with this- gns will be back.
about two weeks ago the toe i had sugery on in april came down with a case of celulitis. the dr cleared it out anounced it looked good, and hours latter i was in the e.r. for a severe fever. they scheduled an mri and it turns out i have ostiomylitis. which means the original e.r. dr back in april made a boneheaded manuver when he put me on antibiotics befeore the orthopedic surgeon could get bone cultures. this is as things stand now. its going to mean an operation, a hospital stay. i.v medication, and way more hoopla than i'm capable of drawing through.
what's in the future? i've no idea. i don't know when i can return to work. i have no idea more than a day or two in advance whats going on. as a number of people can tell you, i start going insane the minute i stop drawing it, so that gns will be back is a forgone conclusion. (the month my wrist was in a cast is a good example. and no for legal reasons i wont get into that right now >_>)
so once things stabilize i'll be back. read some webcomics recomended here or on my web page. and join me in the brief and furtive prayer that the original e.r. doctor go to wipe himself and finds that instead of his usual toilet paper has been replaced with a tightly meshed sheet of fire ants.

- jim