ok, what got you started

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ok, what got you started

Post by ghostrunner »

since i now have a forum to ask this question, i can finally start satisfying my curiousity. wethier you read comics draw them or write them. what got you started online?
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Re: ok, what got you started

Post by Hogan »

Hmm... I think it all started a long time ago when I was fooling around on the net during worktime and suddenly fell over something titled "Webcomic". I think that particular webcomic was Bruno the Bandit, and its medieval fantasy setting spoke to my AD&D-obsessed soul. When I was through with that, I got curious and jumped to read another comic... which, as far as I remember, was Zortic... slapsticks, movie-quotes and Sci-fi... what are there no to love? :P

I kept up with these two for some time until I changed jobs and was site-places for most of a year with no access to internet and no connection at home except for an expensive 64k modem, so I didn't get much further before I was office-based again and once again had access to the net. I quickly caught up with Bruno and Zortic, and then started looking for others... I found It's Walky!, and after three hard days at work I was through with that, and in search for more entered its forum... and from then on nothing was the same again :cheers:
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Re: ok, what got you started

Post by littlebeast »

I believe my firsts were Sluggy Freelance and Megatokyo. Sluggy first.

I don't even read Megatokyo anymore... But its early days were fun.
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Re: ok, what got you started

Post by KAMics »

I've been drawing & writing comics for as long as I can remember. I started putting comics on the web when I had a temporary art site from 2000-2001. Then that died (not that it was popular to begin with. The last week of its existence I got more hits then I had in the 6 months prior... 8 hits.) I wrote the Aquarium storyline for CRFH!!! & did guests strips & fanart until 2004 when Kate Ashwin of Darken said I should get an online comic & suggested Drunk Duck.

The first online comic I tried reading was a Legion of Super-Heroes fan comic, but it had a real wonky interface & I gave up on it. Sometime later I followed a link to Sinfest (which I still read) & used the Big Panda & Keenspot dropdowns on his site to find other webcomics, some of which had other dropdowns or links to comics which had cameoed them, etc., etc.

And I became the bane of Hogan's existence :wink: when he posted on the CRFH!!! forum asking if anyone knew of any webcomic cameos & crossovers. :cheers:
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Re: ok, what got you started

Post by ghostrunner »

wow, you wrote that kam? i had no idea, so you and hogan have been kicking around reading and hammering out comics since about the time it all really kicked off, eh?
heh, i started the whole thing backwards. in 1997 a buddy and i kicked off an epic furry story. never got anywhere with publishers sad to say, but i learned quite a bit about the publishing world for that and a manuscript. things happened, i met the girl whos now my wife and stopped drawing when the job got to be too much. after i left that job in 2003 (or the job left me :D) i was dignosed with anxiety disorder. i figured the best way to beat it was to go full tilt the other way, so i joined a ghost hunting group. on the first outing to a cemitary my thoughts were peppered with cartoons of the group in little chibi form. i got inducted into the group to do p.r. and grin-n-spirit was born. it was a ghost hunting comic before it was published to the net. it was actually shlock mercinary, squirrel works, zortic, and majical misfits that inspired me to drop the dead tree aspirations and take it to the world. even though the group broke up and there'll be no comeback tours, the story refuses to die. :)
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Re: ok, what got you started

Post by Hogan »

I think I can date my initial initiation into the world of webcomic to "somewhere in 2001" :)
... though I HAD been around the net (from school) since 1996, having started my primary site (Realm of the Dragoneers) at Geocities early in Jan 1997...

Somehow I managed to avoid gaining any knowledge about webcomics until much later... ;)
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Re: ok, what got you started

Post by ghostrunner »

back when geocities was worth being on? :D
may all your hauntings be full apparition- jim
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