Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

For the Halloween Cameo Caper 2010, you help is needed aboard the spaceship of NCS Nostromummy , heading towards its doom!

Moderators: Hogan, Tinkerbell

Where shall the Caper of 2010 be held? (Piefight is included in all options!)

Poll ended at Mon May 31, 2010 12:02 am

20's Chicago
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Ancient China
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The Austrian Alps
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Earth's Core
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The Middle Ages
In a Pyramid
Salvador Daelisk's World
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A Spaceship
Under the Sea
Total votes: 15

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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by Keybounce »

[ size=1]ship...ship...[ /size][ size=3]SHIP[ /size]

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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by littlebeast »

Can't we go back to the three-way tie?
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by Tinkerbell »

Only if the pyramid is on Earth... but actually, I think I can manage to put things together so that my story adds up and I still manage to make it to the caper for a few days. After all, I need my gang to meet Dark Eyes somewhere, and meeting her in space seems a lot more likely than meeting her elsewhere.

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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by Hogan »

Okay, suggestion for the basic setting as well as invite should, hopefully, go up over the weekend, and then we'll move to the sign-up round!

Any suggestions/wishes for the setting can be posted here, basically it will revolve around an emergency message from a huge world-class spaceship in deep space, its engines having broken down (light-class engines, and the damages cause tears in the time/space/dimensional walls)... and thats only the good news! :twisted:
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

my suggestion was up earlier
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by Hogan »

... and it has been duly noted ;)
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by littlebeast »

World-class? As in, the size of a world? ...are we sure we want it to be THAT big?
ah well, other than that, sounds fun. Distress beacon to bring people in is a stroke of genius. I have no idea if I can join in or not though. None whatsoever.
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

length is around 250 km in the main body
thickness in the main body (without calculating the biodoms and the ring) is around 40 km
width in the main body without the ring is around 100 km
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by KAMics »

And what is that in American measurements? :wink:
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by ghostrunner »

155.4 miles length of main body- 24.9 miles in diameter before ring- with ring it would be 62.1 miles in diameter
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

no idea i work purely on the international metric system
use google

am never mind jim already did the translation

jim knows most of the info for the ship ill ask him to enter it tomorrow his english is much better then my
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Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by Tinkerbell »

You realise we're currently talking about a ship big enough that you could probably fit every character from every webcomic ever inside and still not have any of them see each other? Can we at least impose some condition that means characters actually end up running into one another?
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

so limit it to one of the bio domes
here a suggestion to the basic setting expending on hogans idea :
the engineers and crew took the ship to a test drive
but there malfunction with the power source , ai and dimensional engine caused the ship creates a pocket dimension and enters there
luckily for the crew they had a smaller ship with its own dimensional engine so they could return home
they triggered and distress bacon
but because the malfunction it caused to all areas except a big empty storage place (for those arriving in machine or space ship) and one of the rear bio domes to lock up
and it pulled all of whom it could (the ai) aka those who ware traveling between dimensions and those who ware near by to dimensional weak points
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by littlebeast »

Tinkerbell wrote:You realise we're currently talking about a ship big enough that you could probably fit every character from every webcomic ever inside and still not have any of them see each other? Can we at least impose some condition that means characters actually end up running into one another?
Exactly my point, couldn't we just use a smaller ship? We can still have the dimensional-ripping-FTL-engines, and the distress signal and whatnot, just have them on a ship the size of a city instead of a planet.
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

littlebeast wrote:
Tinkerbell wrote:You realise we're currently talking about a ship big enough that you could probably fit every character from every webcomic ever inside and still not have any of them see each other? Can we at least impose some condition that means characters actually end up running into one another?
Exactly my point, couldn't we just use a smaller ship? We can still have the dimensional-ripping-FTL-engines, and the distress signal and whatnot, just have them on a ship the size of a city instead of a planet.
its not size of a planet !!

gnume wrote:length is around 250 km in the main body
thickness in the main body (without calculating the biodoms and the ring) is around 40 km
width in the main body without the ring is around 100 km
ghostrunner wrote:155.4 miles length of main body- 24.9 miles in diameter before ring- with ring it would be 62.1 miles in diameter
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by Tinkerbell »

Beyond a certain point, though, all size becomes meaningless because there's a limit to what the average human imagination can process - a few miles is about the largest distance most people can imagine as an abstract size, and even then they'll only visualise at most a few hundred metres. It's all very well to say 'it's a hundred miles long', but people will visualise it as about as big as the largest open space they've been in.

Still, I think we'll be OK if we just limit it to some small area of the ship (though it would be better to have only one part of the ship have life support than to just lock the rest of the ship up - otherwise people will invariably try to break into the locked areas, thereby thwarting the point of locking them in the first place). There is something cool about exploring massive, ancient, abandoned starships (cf: Alien, Rendezvous with Rama).

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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

only the biospheres have their own life support the rest of the ship gas no life support at all
except the med bay
so my suggstion is to limit to one of the biospheres
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by KAMics »

Thanks Ghostrunner!

Gnume, yeah, I could have looked it up, but I was feeling lazy. :wink:

Also remember there must be a supply of creme pies for the pie fight! Big kitchen or just cargo?

For that matter since Ghostrunner & Gnume seem to have this ship thought out already is there a map of the area where the Caper will be taking place or is it open for suggestions?
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by gnume »

in one of the rear biospheres

and the layout ?
i have the general structure
but not a solid map

so yes im open to suggestions if you have any
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Re: Halloween Cameo Caper 2010... where shall it be?

Post by ghostrunner »

actually i was chewing over just using the center crew quarters and maybe a part of the biosphere. since we can edit this we can take a lot of the ship offline due to damage and leave enough around for everyone whos participating to have thier own area. we could toss in some teleport system keyed for screw ups when we want to have a group interact. since theres nothing hard or fast set here something the size of florida and something the size of jupiter would to visitors be almost identical. not saying its either, but teleport systems is a rapid easy way to get from point a to point b while giving everyone the cameo interaction they need to flesh out thier stories.
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