What would you look like in Xade?

If you wake up to a world where rabbits are cops, dragons are both rabbit and fox and a chipfox trains you, then you know you have caught the Insanity of Xade
Or perhaps you want to go back to where it all began and see how size DOES matter? Then dive into Growlution

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What would you look like in Xade?

Post by Hogan »

Pretty much broken down from Xade's comments to this strip
The "bad stuff" Jeff told Robert about was nitrogen; there is too much nitrogen in Xade's atmosphere for any normal earth based humans unless they are altered to breath it. Due to something happening to Xade herself, the visitors are often transformed into an equivalent of their form. Examples: Jeff was an anthropomorphic kitten, thus he became a flap kitten. Robert was a "scary batwinged bear" to put it the way Ron did to me once so he became an angel bear. (I have no good bat wings so his wings were always hidden) Scale was always busy with the crossover wars and things, so she became a beaver. If they are already transformed then it is adapted to an Xadian form. Terra's people was transformed so our current visitors fall into the adaptation category.
This made me thinking... for the fun of it... what would we, or our characters look like if they came to visit Xade and become transformed?
Off course Xade would have her ideas, but what do YOU think any changes would be?

And Xade has already decided what I would become... an anthromorhic Tiger! :twisted:
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Post by Wheels »

I think I would be a sea creature or an Avian. An Osprey suits me as does a Seal or seal lion. Porpoise or Orca are cool but I believe I need to keep contact with the land a bit. I am more the coastal sailor. The Osprey would suit me best.
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Post by ghostrunner »

may all your hauntings be full apparition- jim
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Post by Xade »

lol! well, I would have to say Wheels would be a snowbird, actually, they thrive in snow and swim in icy waters, much like a penguin, yet they can fly for about a mile or two, depending on how fit they are and are almost snow white. and Ghost, You're a Shookie I thought we settled that :P

The only way to change that is to sweet talk me or visit Zanden for a while. System aliens get different forms on both humanoid inhabitable planets depending on how long they stay depends on if they keep which form. Once you become a Zandian then you fall into the adaptation category. (Zanden does it to be funny, he doesnt have to change you if he dont want to or if you ask him nice enough.) Of course we will see what Zanden is like here shortly ;)
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Post by ghostrunner »

we did, but i'm wonky right now :P
may all your hauntings be full apparition- jim
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Post by Xade »

LOL, crazy shookie, shookies are cool. They have a good defense. Being plant based they have pollen, and everyone but zerfs, who built an immunity, are allergic to it. However, they are also wicked fast, despite what they look like. They can burrow into the ground so fast that they are a blur. And since they digest dirt and minerals they are gas powered. There's more to them but trust me Ghost, I gave you a cool form.
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