The resurfacing of Zworgue

This is the shared forum for all the comic and events of the 2007 webcomic event of the Crossover Wars.
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The resurfacing of Zworgue

Post by Hogan »

... yes, you heard it correctly... he is back! :twisted:

For those who might remember this scene from the aftermath of the last battle of the Crossover Wars (which sparkled the current flashback of Zworgue and Forma's earlier life), the waiting is finally over... as Zworgue now has reappeared/[url] over at the rejuvinated [url] Then Else ... as prisoner nonetheless!

The story there takes off where we left the Wars, so if you want to follow up, better go and read up :)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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