Advanced Potions

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Advanced Potions

Post by Hogan »

Generally most potions are created are created from low-level spells with effects that closely mimics those spells. To make one you basically only need the necessary spell and the Brew Potion feat.

Now, what if you wanted to create Potions with stronger and more... advanced effects?
The reason I ask this is because I would like to take my homemade 2nd Edition Oils & Potions and bring them over to the 3rd Edition!
Now, the problem here lies in the fact that many of the potions are out of the ordinary and have some interesting effect that just can't be copied and converted in the 3rd ED rules as they are now...

So... what shall I do? Shall I add the potions as Minor Artifacts, not copyable by standard means? Or shall I make up a new feat, Advanced Brew Potions and make them under this?

Anyone up for offering a suggestion?

Let me just admit that I have no idea if there's one accessory or another that covers this subject. If you know of such, please bring it up and perhaps add some information about the suggested guidelines or rules.
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Zurg da Hackin' Hacker
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Post by Zurg da Hackin' Hacker »

like mordenkain tried to say...

the answer is not to make them too powerfull, niether just to copy the effects of spells... make some new... umm... effects, like the pioson list its a good idea to som poisons that cause somthiun else than death... for an instance...
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Post by Hogan »

Hmm.... well, this is the Potions I made for 2nd Edition and which I would like to convert.

As you can see, there's several which easily could be attributed to a particular spell, though that spell would be of a level higher than 3rd that is the maximum for the Brew Potions craft!
Others are way beyong any skills, and are definently minor or greater artifacts!

I COULD make all potions minor artifacts, but I think some should be createable by characters, but at high costs, but concerning golds and skills.

This is were I'm looking for a few tips to make them public available... if new rules and abilities are what's necessary, then so be it!
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Post by Mordenkain »

After seeing these potions, i actually agree about the advanced potion brew feat.
Make a brew potion feat that allows you to put higher lvl spells into potions. That's a great idea actually. Like 4-6 lvl spells.

And about the more powerful ones... make em minor artifacts.

Btw, for those which cannot be made by a spell, make the potion just have a specifi lvl req.

- Mordenkain
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Post by Magecraft »

Hogan, why don't you just do what they did for the potion of fiery breath, and make it technically a Wondrous Item instead.

Personally, I happen to think that there are too many different creation feats already. Why not just combine some that already appear to make an item more powerful. I believe that if you wanted to make advanced potions, why not just require both the Brew Potion and the Craft Wondrous Item feats. The item uses the same rules for potions/oils as far as use, but then it could have any effect you want. I would suggest a minimum caster level of 6th.

But that's just my take on the subject.
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Post by Hogan »

Magecraft wrote:Hogan, why don't you just do what they did for the potion of fiery breath, and make it technically a Wondrous Item instead.

Personally, I happen to think that there are too many different creation feats already. Why not just combine some that already appear to make an item more powerful. I believe that if you wanted to make advanced potions, why not just require both the Brew Potion and the Craft Wondrous Item feats. The item uses the same rules for potions/oils as far as use, but then it could have any effect you want. I would suggest a minimum caster level of 6th.

But that's just my take on the subject.
Hmm... and not a bad take at all!
I agree that there's allready too many Feats around, and more arrives with each d20 asseccory. another from me would be of little use...

I will take a look at the Potion of Fiery Breath and see what I can do about the other converstion... however, a few minor artifacts will possibly still come out of it :P

Thanks for the suggestion, and welcome around Magecraft! :D
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