Having trouble with seeing the Comic

A tale of MegaMan, Head-of-the-Author, and Roll, Author, Light, and Real-Author (also known as littlebeast), and Amanda, and 8-Bit Author... Gah! Too many authors !

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Amon Star
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Having trouble with seeing the Comic

Post by Amon Star »

For some reason, whenever I try to look at the comic, I just get a blank blue page. Is this happening to anyone else? Also, does is there anything I can do about it?
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Post by Hogan »

Do you happen to live in Britain Amon? Because then we might know where the duck is buried 8)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
Amon Star
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Post by Amon Star »

Hogan wrote:Do you happen to live in Britain Amon? Because then we might know where the duck is buried 8)
Yes, I do indeed live in The Land of Glory. Thanks for the help. Now, I just need to get an ad-blocker.
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