Which style do you prefer?

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Moderator: Lady Arcadia

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Which Arcadia-style do you prefer?

The old inked and colored off course!
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The new B&W pencil, no doubt about that!
Hmm... can't really decide.
Total votes: 3

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Which style do you prefer?

Post by Hogan »

Yep! Now that the new B&W has been running for more than two weeks, Its time to make the question: "Is it an improvement?"

Is the new B&W pencil style it better than the old inked and mostly colored style?

New style vs. old style, what do you prefer?

As for me, I love the new style. Off course we don't get the colors, but the pencils allow our Lady to get more rounded details into the drawings, allowing for a wider range of emotions!

And this one is a piece of art!
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Lady Arcadia
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Post by Lady Arcadia »

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Post by reinder »

I miss the colours, but think the line work is massively improved this way. And who can say no to more frequent updates? Thumbs up for the pencil art, in other words.
Reinder Dijkhuis
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Lady Arcadia
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Post by Lady Arcadia »

reinder wrote:I miss the colours, but think the line work is massively improved this way. And who can say no to more frequent updates? Thumbs up for the pencil art, in other words.
I will admit, I enjoy seeing Sarii's enormous bright green eyes and flaming red hair, but drawing on the wacom was killing my inspiration. I like the process of making the comic to be very organic, and more personal. And for me, personal means smudges and eraser mistakes and getting really close to each page. If I got that close to the computer screen, I'd go blind. lol.

Maybe eventually the color updates will return, but right now, I don't think that's gonna happen as of right now. I just made 3 weeks of daily pages, and I have never had such a track record. I think this is positive for the comic and I hope to continue this. Thank you for the kind words though.
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Post by NinjaNick »

I miss the colors, but 5 days a week in pencil seems like a good dose of Arcadia. :D
Ninja vanish.
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