Fans of the Knights

Three women chosen by a Goddess, with Demons, Gods, Giants, travelling and adventures awaiting them... Valhal go home!

Moderator: Lady Arcadia

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Fans of the Knights

Post by Hogan »

Who are you? Where do you come from? How did you come here, and why do you like Circle Arcadia?

As for me...

Hogan is my name, and as such you'll know me (unless you ask further... :wink: ).
I hail from the cold north of Denmark, under the protective wings of the Arcadia legends.
Followed the comic and got sucked up in a vortex that brought me here
Why I like it? Well, the art is continually improving, the story keeps getting more depth, humor and background, as well as hintings of things to come... what are there not to like?
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Young and Foolish
Young and Foolish
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Post by NinjaNick »

My name is Ninja Nick or Nick, for short. I'm from a place somewhere in California. I got into the comic long ago, like the end of '05. It's a very interesting comic. Great storylines, improving art, and all kinds of action.
Ninja vanish.
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