Captain August

Artists unite! Join up for the great Western-themed Halloween Cameo Party of 2006 taking place in the town of Shelterville.

Moderator: Hogan

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Captain August

Post by Rodi »

Hello everyone,

Mike and Logan convinced me to join the halloween special with my webcomic Captain August, so you can expect the wild captain to join in on the fun come Octobre!

You can check it out on, and a detailed character list can be found here. Though the captain will be the only one joining the party :)
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Post by Hogan »

Hey Rodi!

Judging by Captain August's description, Shelterville will be just the place for him! Looks like we are soon enough to have one hell of a good time! :P

Welcome to the party! :D
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR

Post by Rodi »

When I said Logan, I meant of course Hogan. I knew the organisor of this thing was not, in fact, Wolverine, though my guess would've been as good as yours.

Post by Roderick »

Dudes, everyone, sorry. It seems that I overestimated my time and the stress of my final year at university. The regular comic is going to take up all the time I have left, leaving nothing for funny diversion like this =(

So I'll have to cancel my visit to Shelterville! Sorry everyone! :(
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DM of Deities
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Post by Hogan »

Damn... too bad Rodi, August would have enjoyed Shelterville, but shit happens when real life decide to play a part in ones fun... :(

Hope we'll be able to see you next year! :D

Until then... stay strong!
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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