Converging Plotlines, et. al. (Spoilers and Setups Abound!)

Artists unite! Join up for the great Western-themed Halloween Cameo Party of 2006 taking place in the town of Shelterville.

Moderator: Hogan

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Re: Just filling in for Wheels

Post by alschroeder »

KAMics wrote:Here's a link to a colored Stewart strip ... hp?p=46311
Great! Just what I was looking for...thanks!---Al
Al Schroeder III of MINDMISTRESS greatest super power of all.
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Post by alschroeder »

Oh, and here's a pic of how MM will look---without dialogue at
and with:
---for those who might be interested. Just to let you know that she'll be wearing something a little different...or seeming to, anyway.---Al
Al Schroeder III of MINDMISTRESS greatest super power of all.
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Post by alschroeder »

Okay, mine is up at ---that's all I'm doing, but it made for a fun little Halloween strip. Thanks for allowing MM to gatecrash!---Al
Al Schroeder III of MINDMISTRESS greatest super power of all.

Room for one more?

Post by dragonkingdoms »

I've made an entry for this event, I've actually been wanting to do it since about the 20th, but time just got away from me. Anyway, here's my entry:

My entry of horror

There's a couple characters from the event already. And Kori is a little upset that the Cube Law broke down on him- namely, the law that is supposed to make massive creatures impossible to exist due to inability to support their own weight. Of course, the eldritch magic that brought the characters to one realm might affect that, too.

Anyway, Happy Halloween!
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Post by Yammy »

Better late than never, I guess.

Sorry to not message much, or do much at all during this. Life has been like hell through a blender for me all month. ^^; So little time to do much of anything. Anywho, here's my comic for this shindig. Doesn't offer much, I guess. But you could say it happens before the start of the Blade of Toshubi story (if you want to count it as continuity). Anywho, here we go:

Sorry for my lack of support and overall lameness. ^^;
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Post by Hogan »

But you made it Yammy! And with a nice fit-in and an even nicer Bugs Bunny reference even! 8)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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