I'll be there, and I'll bring a friend!

Artists unite! Join up for the great Western-themed Halloween Cameo Party of 2006 taking place in the town of Shelterville.

Moderator: Hogan

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I'll be there, and I'll bring a friend!

Post by GabrialFox »

Hey all, this sounds like a great idea and I'd love to participate.

So here goes. Fox, and a friend (I'm not quite sure where I'll be in stories and relationships at that point, so I don't know exactly who yet.)

Fox is the main character in Hey Fox and can be seen in pretty much every strip. If your curious about color, on the other hand, check out the Christmas strip that my good friend colored for me.

I'll get some costumes up a month or so early.

Thanks, and looking forward to everything!

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Post by Hogan »

Hey Fox, and thanks for your RVSP!

We hope Fox and friend will have a swell time at the party, but judging from the strip, the other participants indeed will when those two join up! :D

Looking forward to see you there, and welcome to the Caper!

- Hogan

Btw, ComicGenesis doesn't allow hotlinking images, so we are unable to see the colored Christmas picture! :?
Though if you ship it to me, I'll put it up for show so we still has it to enjoy, as well as a color-reference! 8)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Post by Hogan »

Here it is for a reference, the famous Colored Christmas Picture of the Hey Fox Cast! :D

Thanks to Gabrial Fox! Hope you'll enjoy his cast at the party! :P
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR

And the friend is....

Post by GabrialFox »

Drum roll please?


Rai! Yes folks, accompanying Fox on this merry jaunt into other-worldly Halloween Parties will be his long time friend, with maybe just a dash more. None other than the white tiger Rai.

For more on the complexities of their relationship, see the current story arc. Things should be very interesting when both have admitted to feelings for the other, but neither is willing to go as far as a relationship. Both might even be a little jealous of the other, tho neither would ever admit to it. :: grin :: Much fun!


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