
Artists unite! Join up for the great Western-themed Halloween Cameo Party of 2006 taking place in the town of Shelterville.

Moderator: Hogan

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The Almighty M


Post by The Almighty M »

The name's M and I need a good change of pace! My comic is Jikoshia at http://www.jikoshia.net.

Methinks I'll send Kuno Oni and.... Cesca (not to be confused with Chesca on the characters page). I'll post some other pics when I get the chance if people want them.

Lookin' forward to the insanity!
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DM of Deities
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:38 pm
Location: Denmark, Kingdom of Adventures

Post by Hogan »

Hey M and welcome to the party!

Judging from the guest list so far, I guess that if you come looking for insanity, you have really signed up for the right party! :P

And off course we would like to see pictures! Not only for use as references when they need to do their cameos, but because we would really like to see more from Jikoshia :wink:

I can't wait to see this show hit the road! 8)
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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