Change of URL

Announcing central for news and updates regarding the site of Realm of the Dragoneers!

Moderator: Hogan

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Change of URL

Post by Hogan »

After the recent downtime of the site, Realm of the Dragoneers is now also back online in full... but with one major change.

The url for the site is now:

Since I'm not officially updating the site anymore, but still love and respect what was, at one point, my one and true major hobby, I've put the site in the background, but will still keep it open and, occasionally, updated. will from now on be the portal to my various online projects, as well as my usual online haunting grounds.

... and yes, I DO plan on getting a better layout together for it at one point... given time :mrgreen:

- Hogan
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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