Seeking Comic Artist for crossover collaboration!

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Awestruck Listener
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Seeking Comic Artist for crossover collaboration!

Post by Taversia »

Hi everyone!! =) I am the writer/illustrator for Wayward Fall, and I'm looking for a comic to do a crossover with. It can be any fantasy/sci-fi/martial arts-oriented comic (or something similar) in either a modern urab setting, or a medieval setting. How this works, is we will collaborate to come up with a side-plot for each of our comics' storylines. The time that this happens can be ANY time; past, present, or future, relating to our comics' main plots. This is just a sidestory where both our main characters will come together and either team up, or duke it out. I'm very open to ideas.

I'll draw 5 pages of the storyline we come up with, and whomever I do this crossover with will draw the other 5 pages (10 pages in total, that make up our sidestory). This can be done a number of ways. I can do the first 5, or the second 5, depending on your preference. I am also open to interchanging, where I do one page, you do the next, and we'll play a game of leapfrog, all the way to 10. I wouldn't recommend this though, since often times, a reader who comes and sees that every other page is in a different style might be put-off. But we'll see. <3

I have completed 3 other crossovers, with 3 different webcomics in the past; Swiftriver, Lovefeast, and Cetiya. Each crossover includes the title of both comics, as well as the title for the crossover itself, which can be decided upon later. To read the crossovers I have done with these comics, follow the links here:

Swiftriver (The Heist)- ... triver&n=0
Lovefeast (Blind Date)- ... efeast&n=0
Cetiya (Security Risk)-

I am extremely reliable, and dedicated. I get pages out in a timely fashion, and with a workload of 5 pages, I expect to be complete with my portion of the project anywhere between 3 - 4 weeks. I am looking for a comic artist to do this collaboration with, who shares the same enthusiasm (granted, I do realize that everyone works at their own pace and that's fine). <3 =D

At any rate, I hope to hear from you guys soon, and hopefully, we can work something out~!

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