Forum mafia ...

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Squire in Training
Squire in Training
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Forum mafia ...

Post by Keybounce »

So I'm running a game of forum mafia on another system.

If you don't know, mafia is a game where, in the "default" configuration, you have a bunch of innocents and a few hidden rogues. Every turn, the whole group votes off one person, trying to out the rogues, and then the rogues out one person, usually an innocent.

With special abilities and special events.

I've got it scripted for 19 people, but it looks like it's going to be short. So I'm looking around for additional people to play.

If you are interested, the signup is at ... forum=roms

(Yes, you'll have to register an account)
"So my Mom left me a huge heap of molding, rotten, decaying, puss-dripping zombies ... How cool is that?"

"So what is your advice to me?"
"Stop doing stupid crap."
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