The game's admins have launched their own Webcomic Awards where they, in the first round, ask people in the game to submit their top 5 Sci-fi/space or gaming webcomics (what makes a sci-fi or gaming comics seems to be in the eye of the beholder...).
This is said ot be the first step in a process that in the end should name "Best SciFi or Gaming Comic Strip of the 2000s"! and give a cash prize to the author(s) of said strip.
A lot of webcomics have already been submitted... dozens of them as a matter of acts, some known, som obscure, but since I don't think anybody will have anything against their favorites artists receiving a cash price, all who have access to SP should log in, go the forums and add their 5 cents as well as top 5 webcomics to the list... ind the end they might help their favorites to win!