This, with Hogan's blessing, is the official list of planned crossover strips, and will be updated
in this post as people reply to this thread saying when they're publising shelterville strips. This will keep people from having to read through multiple pages of posts just to get updates.
Crossover events and character appearances are bolded to assist artists to communicate with eachother
Life and Death -
Steve and Bobby show up at the Graveyard
Magical Misfits -
The Kids depart from Terra.
Division/bell -
Alex and Gray appear in Shelterville, quite unexpectedly. A covered wagon gets in the way; lots of noise ensues. Our heroes head to town, bumping into a cloaked figure on their way in.
The KAMics -
Gertrude, Nikki & Brunhilda in General Store, a loud noise outside the store causes everyone inside to leave
Darian's Friends -
A disoriented Kori rides into town on his motorcycle. On his way into town, he runs over Life and Death's Steve's foot on the way past because he is distracted by a loud noise and flash in the distance.
Life and Death -
Steve threatens Darian's Friends's Kori for running over his foot.
Magical Misfits -
Plot Unknown.
Darian's Friends -
Kori comments on Steve/Death's "Reaper Costume" and then comments that people are gathering in the distance.
Division/bell -
Gray realizes that he no longer has the pendant he uses to open the portals. Alex points out that this is a very bad thing.
Magical Misfits -
Plot Unknown.
The KAMics -
Plot unknown
Life and Death -
Plot unknown
Division/bell -
Alex and Gray begin searching around town, trying to find out both where they are and what happened to the pendant. Rumors persist that there is strange stuff going on at the cemetery, and that graves are being dug up for an unknown reason. The Scoleri Brothers run through town screaming about ghosts; Gray and Alex decide to check out the cemetery.
Darian's Friends -
Kori runs into Death By Pixel's Jared and Matt and is incredibly relieved to discover a pair of relatively normal (if sarcastic) people from his own time. Tink and Sten also guest star, other characters are mentioned.
Division/bell -
While exploring the cemetery with a few of the others, they find that one of the open graves has a fake coffin in it; there's a stairway underneath leading down into the burial cave. Ghosts and other weird stuffs are appearing much more frequently now.
Darian's Friends -
Kori decides that despite the others exploring the graveyard, staying at the canteen is the wisest course. When a game of drunken cricket threatens to break out, Kori changes his mind.
Magical Misfits -
Plot Unknown.
Darian's Friends -
Kori considers, in a private thought process, and takes what he considers the only logical course of action: He kicks the trunk he blames for trapping them in Shelterville. Other comic characters will appear.
Division/bell -
In the cave, Alex, Gray, and the others discover a trunk that seems familiar to Gray sitting off to the side with a strange glow coming off of it, as well as an altar with Gray's pendant on it. It's glowing the same way as the trunk. Gray suggests that things be handled with caution; a jump-kick to the trunk pretty much renders that suggestion moot.
Magical Misfits -
Plot Unknown.
The KAMics -
Plot unknown
Darian's Friends -
Plot unknown
Life and Death -
Steve observes wittily that the shelterville events may be good for the reaper business.
Division/bell -
The kick seems to rattle the trunk a bit, and the strange glow fades. Gray retrieves his amulet, and they see the cloaked character who stole it trying to escape from the cave. The ghosts returning to their graves grab him, pulling him kicking and screaming into the other world with them. Alex muses, "Wow. You never saw that on Scooby Doo...
Magical Misfits -
Plot Unknown.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st - Party Meen n' Greet @ the saloon
Life and Death -
Party Meet n' Greet with crossover characters
Drunken Scribblings -
Party Meet n' Greet with crossover characters 3 page special
Darian's Friends -
Party Meet n' Greet with crossover characters before Kori leaves shelterville via undetermined exit plot device
Division/bell -
Not wanting to take part in the festivities, Alex and Gray leave Shelterville via a portal. There's a decent chance that something else gets broken in the process, possibly the Shelterville sign...
Magical Misfits -
Party Meet n' Greet with crossover characters
Please reply right away with your planned release schedule,
even if you have no idea what your story is yet. Getting things in order will help us connect our stories.
Please note this is a publication schedule only, ie comics published on the 25th may actually take place on the 31st. The entire crossover party takes place on the 31st Oct 1883, I believe.
If we plan this properly, and we finish our strips ahead of time, and we all stick to our release dates, we can actually build a chain of
"Go here next" messages that will bring all readers to every single comic site. What do you think?
This was the text i originally posted to this post before editing it to make it the official list:
I wrote:My intention is to publish 7 strips, once a day leading up to the 7th on halloween day. A timeline to follow woule be awesome, as we could lead readers from site to site to follow the story.. ie, "The Story Continues Today, at drunkduck.com/The_KAMics" for example. "To Be Continued Tomorrow, on dariansfriends.com" etc.